

PocketPR was co-founded with Daniel Johnson, CEO, Russel CMO, and myself as CTO. We created PocketPR to aid content creators who cover controversial topics. We use ChatGPT as an expert public relations assistant, who has access to all of the content and audience feedback at its disposal. It helps the content creator to mitigate conflict, and can also suggest avenues for future content creation ideas.

My role is to plan and impliment many of the apps feature. I integrated our app with YouTube Data API, OpenAI, Clerk, Supabase, and Langchain. Many of the problems I faced with this project were ones that I had no prior experience with. Some accomplishments that I am proud of include, setting up our vector store so that our PR assistant is able to gather the data relevant to our user's prompts. On the frontend, use used the NextJS documentation and examples to implement the streaming feature, so that the text would be displayed on the screen as the data comes in from open ai.

After building out a prototype, we were not getting much traction and decided to focus on other projects.